Exoprimal shares info on new Alpha Exosuits


Exoprimal just shared a bunch of new info promising new suits, new weapons, new modules, and more.

You can read part of the announcement below:

New Modules and more Alpha Variant Suits

Title Update 1’s new Variant suits are intended to change the combat range and strategy of each of the default suits by giving them different weapons, so we took a moment to speak with Exoprimal’s Director Hiraoka to get the finest of combat data on these upcoming additions!

But, before we talk about the suits themselves, let’s confirm how you’ll unlock them!

Unlocking Alpha Variant Exosuits

Once Title Update 1 is live, all 10 of the Alpha Variant Exosuits will be available to unlock and use in the wargames.

To unlock and use the Alpha version of a given suit, you just need to get the base version of that exosuit to suit level 20. If you already have your favourite exosuits at level 20 or higher, you’ll be able to immediately access the Alpha versions for use in the wargames.

The entire announcement is massive, and can be read in full here.

The gist of things is that 34 new modules are coming, alongside Alpha Variant weapons, and 10 Alpha Variant Exosuits, essentially doubling the game’s roster.

If you want to know more, read our full review for Exoprimal here.

Exoprimal is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows (Through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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