Elysian Shadows Dev Responds to Hateful Trolls


Full Disclosure: I am friends with game director Falco Girgis and a few other staff members working on Elysian Shadows.

It’s been a little while since we’ve heard from the Kickstarter-funded Elysian Shadows, however that usually means the team is busy working on, you know, the game.

Despite their efforts to continue their Adventures in Game Development video series, it seems like spiteful trolls are consistently deriding the developer, saying they’ve “taken the money and ran.”

Now, Elysian Shadows boss Falco Girgis has taken to their YouTube to vent some frustrations, and air out things a little – while also revealing a bit too much information regarding a fungal infection.

One of the key things to take away here is that Falco is claiming that a team member took a year’s salary and produced nothing, leaving himself to handle their work on top of his workload. To be clear, we haven’t spoken to all of the developers on the team at the time of publication – and are waiting for a comment from the now-former developer in question.

After speaking to Falco and the current members of his team, I’ve been told that despite these hiccups, they’re moving along smoothly and are simply working more hours to get the game finished.

Editor’s Note: The wording of the article has been updated to be more neutral – and closer to what we actually know. We’ll update the article once we’ve gotten further details.



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