Echocalypse Leviathan figure a scantily clad beauty

Echocalypse Leviathan

Smartphone game Echocalypse has earned enough notoriety to warrant itself a figurine of the beautiful Leviathan, who can be seen wearing barely any clothing.

Echocalypse is a strategy RPG for mobile that has collectible females with revealing outfits, and players take on the role of an “Awakener” to restore order and reveal the truth behind the post-apocalypse.

Leviathan will entertain those who prefer females who are a little on the thicker side, and the woman’s attire isn’t all that skimpier compared to her regular outfit.

The 1/7th scale figure is being published by AniGift and sold by Daimou. It will cost 29,700 yen and is scheduled to be released September 2024.

This is Niche Merch. In this column, we regularly cover merch and toys from games, anime, geek culture, and more.


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