Indie game Domina got review bombed over anti-mask patch notes

Domina got review bombed

Indie game Domina got review bombed over anti-mask patch notes, a curious addition to the game’s latest post-launch update.

While the update includes regular things like bug fixes and new content, the anti-mask patch notes are as follows:

“TAKE OFF THE FCKN MASKS – Next time you’re at the grocery store, try showing a woman your face,” the patch notes read. “Be confident, unafraid of the LIES — you might get a girlfriend. Women like confidence. Women don’t like dudes who cover their faces in fear. What are you afraid of? Getting laid? Grow up.”

We took a quick look at the games exhaustive release of updates, hundreds of early access and post-full release updates – only the latest update for the game makes any references to mask mandates in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other things mentioned in the update are the addition of the Ministrator in regular modes (not just endless), better render and draw routines for better FPS, better particle an dusk effects (also improving FPS), fixed multiplayer rewards, and some balancing tweaks.

A follow-up tweet from the developer further pokes at the ongoing debate:

“dev: *suggests courage* woke mob: UHM NO, COURAGE IS BAD ACTUALLY and thErEs nO suCh THing aS CAnCEL CULTURE ALSO,” with screen captures of the negative review scores on their page.

Since its debut back in 2017, Domina has seen a massive, overwhelming positive number of Steam reviews – over 7,500 in fact.

Since the new update release, just over 600 purely negative reviews were posted to the game’s Steam page, likely the result of various other sites and their followings reporting on this bit of news.

Regardless of how you personally feel about the COVID-19 pandemic and how effective non-N95 masks actually are, most popular tech platforms have entirely banned any questioning or suggesting masks and/or covid shots are ineffective, or unsafe.

An earlier update had some other non-game remarks from the developer, though:

“Some men still wont fight. they’re weak. there’s no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it’s earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub.”

“No, those fuckin’ things are demonic possessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you’ll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer,” the update goes on.

“Listen, kids … get off them porntubes and do something with your life because no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. Masturbating to egirls isn’t gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work.”

The longer patch notes tidbits close out by saying you can also play video games, “have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow” while also saying they “can’t possibly know what’s best for you in your individual situation.”

“Really… don’t let strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. if you want to be told how to live your life, read the new testament. the internet will only give you lies,” the developer said.

Domina is available now for Windows PC (via Steam).



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