Japanese adult game platform DLSite forced to block German users


Japanese adult game distributor DLSite had no other choice than to forbid German users from purchasing their products.

It is said DLSite began banning German users on November 2nd, as the users were receiving errors when attempting to access their website:

DLSite’s English Discord would later release a statement on the situation:

The whole predicament is not entirely clear at the moment, as those still logged in can access DLSite Play and view their libraries, while logging in or downloading DLSite Play causes the same error to appear.

Google has also expunged the URL of DLSite from search results in Germany.

This means German users are unable to reach DLSite or DMM, and adult games on Steam and GOG are also inaccessible.

DLSite is actively working to rectify the matter.

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