Much like the game’s protagonist Zed the Zombie, the Disgaea franchise refuses to stay down. Like clockwork, Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny has made the jump over to PCs as Disgaea 6 Complete. What makes it complete? Well Nippon Ichi Software has seen fit to package all the DLC when releasing these titles on the PC, and of course that includes the Hololive DLC.
If you’ve read our original review of the game (which you should!) you’ll know that we encountered some graphical issues on the Nintendo Switch. But were these problems unique to the Switch? Does the PC port fix these issues? How does the game control with a mouse and keyboard? Let’s find out.
Disgaea 6 Complete
Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
Publisher: NIS America
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows (Reviewed)
Release Date: June 28th, 2022
Players: 1
Price: $69.99 USD
One thing you’ll notice is the higher price point, which is unusual for a game that technically came out a year ago. Yes, Disgaea 6 Complete is a full ten dollars more than the original release.
But don’t forget that you’re getting all the DLC on the PC. The “Season Pass” of DLC for the Nintendo Switch is $34.99, so instead of $59.99 vs. $69.99 it’s more fair to think of it as $94.98 vs. $69.99.
So the PC port is not only new and exciting, it’s also economical. But let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the graphics. Disgaea 6 Complete has a few more options than the performance/balance/quality option we were given on the Nintendo Switch, now we can get a little more detailed with our choices. But only just a little.
Texture quality can be Standard, Low, or Lowest, and other options follow a similar trend; except for Shadow Quality which can go above 100% for some reason? Also you’ll be happy to know that the game runs on PC at 60FPS as opposed to whatever frame rates we were getting on the Nintendo Switch.
Frankly a lot of the graphical issues we encountered could be attributed to the Switch as opposed to the game itself, releasing titles like Disgaea 6 or Rune Factory 5 seems to bring the handheld console to its knees.
PC controls are a bit of a let down. You can control a great many things with your mouse, but eventually you’ll be forced to read the button prompts at the bottom of the screen to open a menu or change a page with your keyboard.
This forces me to sit up in my gaming chair and wipe the cheeto dust from my left hand; a fate I was hoping to avoid when I learned I could control most things with a mouse. Sadly Disgaea 6 Complete doesn’t go all the way with mouse-only controls.
Ultimately, Disgaea 6 Complete is a straight upgrade from the original release, it handles well on PC and I imagine it handles just as well on PlayStation.
Unless you’re committed to only playing it on the Nintendo Switch, it’s worth picking up for the cheaper DLC alone. If you already own the original release, outside of some graphical improvements I can’t imagine you’re missing out on much of anything.
Also NIS America, if you’re reading this. Where’s Disgaea 3 Complete? I have the entire series on Steam but I’m still waiting on number 3.
Disgaea 6 Complete is available now on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. The Complete version didn’t make its way to the Nintendo Switch and so the base game and DLC need to be bought seperately.
Disgaea 6 Complete was previewed on Windows PC using a review code provided by Nippon Ichi Software. You can find additional information about Niche Gamer’s review/ethics policy here.