Dirty Bomb Leaves Early Access

After around three years in Early Access, the team-based, free-to-play shooter Dirty Bomb has implemented it’s big 1.0 patch.

Developer Splash Damage has published an update on Steam detailing what new features players can expect to find, including FACEIT integration, new features for custom servers, ShadowPlay Highlights support, special rewards for anyone that played during the beta, and much more.

The game has also recently tweaked it’s business model in anticipation of its full release, with increased Loadout Case drops, the removal of Fragment Cases, price changes for the various Operatives, a welcome package for new players, and several Steam bundles containing the game’s premium currency, RADs.

If you are unfamiliar with Dirty Bomb, here’s a bit of information from the Steam page:

Dirty Bomb takes first person shooters back to their purest roots in a fast-paced team game that will challenge even the most competent players. This game won’t hold your hand, in fact it is more likely to kick your teeth in. With no controller support or aim assist, all that lies between you and certain death is player skill and reaction. Work together or die alone in the most challenging team-based FPS.

A string of ‘dirty bomb’ attacks cripple London, leaving the Central Disaster Authority to restore it. When criminal syndicate Jackal begin disrupting and stealing their technology, the capital is thrown into chaos as mercenaries from across the globe are hired by both sides.

That’s where you come in. After all, what’s a little radiation sickness when there’s money to be made?


Fast-paced, highly competitive teamplay that takes the shooter back to its purest roots

Over 20 distinct Mercenaries, each bursting with their own abilities, attributes and expletives

Two game-modes:

  • Objective – Battle through parts of the city, completing objectives to reach the finale before time runs out
  • Stopwatch – Objective mode for competitive types, where teams swap sides mid-match to see who’s faster

A Free-to-Win progression system, where skill beats money every time. Take down your rich friends and watch ’em weep.


Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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