Digimon Linkz Gets its First Trailer


Digimon Linkz is a a smartphone game that was recently announced by Bandai Namco. The game will be heavily focused on raising and battling your own Digimon, using a turn-based 3-on-3 battle system. Bandai Namco is also focused on bringing the best possible graphics into their newest smartphone game.

The trailer (featured above) is chock full of some really great nostalgic faces, showing off everything from Agumon and Omnimon to Veemon and Renamon. Even Impmon makes an appearance. You’ll also get to see a bit of the Digimon farm, where you’ll be raising and training your Digimon, as well as a sneak peek at what the battle system looks like.

Digimon Linkz is set to launch in Japan some time this year for Adroid and the iOS. More details are supposed to be on their way soon.



I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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