Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition Adds a New Playable Character and Supporter

Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition is adding two more characters to the roster, one playable and one support. Hailing from Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai Omotta, the cleric Ako will be playable while the main character Lucian will be relegated to a support role. Both characters’ styles are a little bit on the silly side, but certainly fit the series they hail from.

Going further, Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai Omotta (which is being titled “And You Thought There Was Never A Girl Online” in English) is getting an anime this upcoming season and debuts on April 7th.

The pair can be purchased on the Japanese PSN for 741 Yen plus tax for the PS4, PS3, and Vita versions of the 2D fighter.



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