DELTARUNE chapter 3 “nearing completion” with paid chapters coming after chapter 4


Indie developer Toby Fox has announced DELTARUNE chapter 3 is “nearing completion” and is reportedly “pretty much content-complete,” alongside other updates.

While DELTARUNE chapter 3 will be coming soon, the original plan to sell the full DELTARUNE game once chapter 5 was done – Toby Fox changed plans to sell the game once chapter 4 is done.

To explain things – the base game, “DELTARUNE chapter 1″, was released back in 2018 with chapter 2 released in 2021 – both as free releases. Chapters 3, 4, and 5, however, will be paid releases.

“My original plan was to release Chapter 3, 4, and 5 together,” developer Toby Fox said. “However, the finish line of Chapter 5 is still pretty far off… and I don’t think anybody really wants to wait that long to release anything. Especially me.”

He added, “Chapter 4 already has a very substantial amount of cutscenes and enemy work done. Also, I’ve hired a new producer whose entire job it will be to speed up the overall game development for future chapters. So, I feel very optimistic about the next steps of this project.”

Fox concluded the update by adding “I think I’m going to pause on more detailed development updates for now. Instead, I’ll just let you guys know if the development is getting close to completion, or if something funny happens.



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