Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion announced

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

A remake of the PSP spinoff title Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII has been announced as Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion. The game will be coming to all major consoles (including the Nintendo Switch!)

Originally released for the PSP in 2007, Crisis Core follows the adventures of Zack Fair, a background character from the original Final Fantasy VII. In flashbacks throughout the original game, Zack Fair is portrayed as the best friend of hero Cloud Strife and a fellow member of SOLDIER.

In Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion players will get to experience the history of Zack and Cloud as members of SOLDIER through action RPG combat. The remake of Crisis Core was announced during the Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Stream and can be found here.

Crisis Core stands out from other games in the series thanks to its real-time combat as opposed to turn-based (Active Time Battle/ATB is still turn-based, I’m not accepting criticism).

To spice things up, the game features an in-combat slot system called the “Digital Mind Wave”, which can provide bonuses if you match pictures. Either way, between this remake, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and the remake coming to Steam, Square Enix was able to fit a lot into just a 10 minute panel.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch this winter.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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