Constancy: Roa anime OVA introduces the explosive Yuimei

Constancy: Roa

InfinityArk has provided a video teaser of character Yuimei for their retro Constancy: Roa OVA, the girl having quite the explosive personality and body.

Constancy: Roa is a tribute of sorts to retro anime with its stylistic and nostalgic artwork, along with its emphasis on sexy female designs.

Here’s Yuimei’s video teaser:

Here’s the premise of the OVA from the work’s official website:

In the near future Garrett Oswald a brilliant scientist creates the Cygens, by combining organic cells with inorganic components. With the assistance of a highly sophisticated computer running specialized software implanted in the human brain, a subject can learn to completely control their own cells at will. This allows them to remove usual human limitations such as a finite lifespan, irreparable neural injuries, and susceptibility to disease. A new incoming regime and President in the United States however rescinds the “Human Decency Act” an action which would result in war with the Cygens. The story follows Roa a newly reborn Cygen and the events that spiral around her.

Here’s a sampling of previous videos and teasers released for the OVA:



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