Chinese man gets arrested in Japan for selling a Nintendo 3DS

Fu Chi, a 39-year old graphic designer of Chinese descent, has been arrested by the Tokyo police for selling a Nintendo 3DS at a flea market.

The police department claims that Fu Chi purchased a broken Nintendo 3DS console, repaired it, and installed pirated games on it. The console was sold in January 2023 for 13,400 yen in a Japanese flea market.

The man will be tried for breaking copyright laws over the 13 titles he installed on the console, these titles include entries from the Super Mario Bros. and Dragon Quest franchises.

Fu Chi has gone on record to state his innocence and claims, “I did not put any game software into the console itself.”

Frequent reads will know that this is nothing new for Nintendo, as the company is known for being very protective or their intellectual properties.

The original report was covered by TBS News Dig, and can be read in Japanese here.


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