Blue Archive banner 8/22-9/5 should you pull?

Toki Recollection

Blue Archive has released their latest banner featuring the maid Toki and Tea Party member Nagisa!

When Toki and Nagisa disappear from the banner, they won’t be available again until their next banner. Toki is also the very first student with “Elastic” armor (formerly Structural), meaning she’s only weak to Sonic damage which doesn’t quite exist in-game yet. But despite being unique and Limited, are either of them worth rolling for?

Asuma Toki

Toki Blue Archive

Toki is expansive and weird, her unique armor type means she won’t be weak to most enemies so she’s reliable in almost all Red raids… provided she’s actually useful there.

Her biggest usecases will be Kaitenger raids and Joint Firing Drills with Light Armored units. If you don’t have any Red AoE students like Misaki then you’ll want Toki just so you have someone to fill that role, but despite her unique armor type she’s just an AoE Red student. She does it well but in most circumstances she’s not worth rolling for.

Kirifuji Nagisa

Nagisa Blue Archive

Nagisa is another Red damage unit like Toki, only she’s in the back as a Special student. She does solid AoE damage and debuffs defense against light armored enemies. She’s a great student to have for the first phase of Kaitenger, as well as Joint Firing Drills with light armored enemies.

If you’re going for 1-team clears on Raids, she probably falls short of the tried and true Himari-Ako combo, but she’s a good reservist if you need to 2-team Kaitenger.

Should I Pull?

This banner is a crime against free-to-play players. It’s one thing to introduce two cute students and have them be so-so, it’s another entirely to then make them Limited/Unique!

To sum it up: Only pull if you’re a Whale, completionist, and/or waifu for Toki or Nagisa. Toki may be worth rolling for if you somehow have dodged all of the Red AoE students in the game, likewise for Nagisa if you’re missing Ako or Himari

What are Unique Students in Blue Archive?

Unique students (also called Limited) are students who are ONLYavailable during their active banner. This means you can’t incidentally pick them up in another character’s banner. For example, Moe from Rabbit Squad isn’t limited, while rolling for Toki during Toki’s banner you could incidentally pick up a Moe. But the opposite isn’t true. You can’t randomly pick up a Toki during Moe’s banner.

Blue Archive is available now on mobile devices! You can check out our review here! (as far as mobile games go, we still recommend it!)



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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