Blue Archive banner 7/11-7/25 should you pull?

Mine Blue Archive

We’re literally one more patch until Mika. But for now we’ve got Mine as a new student and Chihiro and Sena are back since we’re doing the Valentine’s Day event again.

So with two older students and one new one, are any of them worth rolling for?

Aomori Mine

Mine Blue Archive

Mine is the newest student added to Blue Archive and she’s brutal. Her EX is an AoE slam that moves her forward. Targets hit will have their DEF and Evasion reduced and this amount is increased for Medium (human-sized) targets.

You might see where this is going. Mine is PvP meta, she will define PvP for the foreseeable future. She can soak aggro by moving in. She can reduce the defenses of enemy tanks. She can heal herself. She is perfect for PvP.

Kagami Chihiro

Chihiro is a Special slot student that does Piercing (Yellow) damage. It’s not an impressive amount but it stuns enemies with Heavy Armor for a very long time.

Chihiro is considered indispensable in HOD raids unless you have multiple other sources of Stun. Her passive abilities increase CC power making stuns and other CCs even more effective. But outside of HOD she may as well not exist.

Himuro Sena

Sena is really cool. Which is a shame because she’s just not that useful.

Sena’s a tactical support who comes in on an ambulance and shoots grenades. She does Mystic damage and buffs allies attacks.

However her ambulance can only really heal allies in the backline since she won’t get close, and she’s overshadowed damage-wise by Iroha.

Should I Pull?

Mine is the only one worth pulling for here, and that’s only if you’re pushing high-end PvP. If you do end up going for Mine and you’re close to 200 pulls then grab Chihiro, or Sena if you already have Chihiro.

But to be blunt, unless you’re pulling for Mine and just incidentally get the pity tokens for Chihiro or Sena, don’t bother.

To sum it up: Pull for Mine if you’re really into PvP and will have enough Pyros for Mika when she releases. Otherwise hold for Mika.

Blue Archive is available now on mobile devices! You can check out our review here! (as far as mobile games go, we still recommend it!)



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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