Blood West releases teaser for new chapter

Blood West

Brutal first-person shooter Blood West just released a teaser for chapter 3 complete with some really scary monster designs.

Here’s a rundown on the new info:


We know you’re eagerly looking forward to our full release coming December 5th, 2023. So are we! To sweeten the waitin’ game, we’ve prepared some sneak peaks of what comes after yet another summoning of your infamous outlaw in Blood West: Chapter 3!

If you’ve yet to play our Wild West game, the current Steam Stealth Fest might be a great excuse to pick up Blood West for 25% OFF… to catch up with all the menaces haunting Barren Lands and the Swamps. And prep yourself to head to the Mountains. How dangerous could they be?

You can also watch a short environmental showcase for the upcoming chapter 3:

The full announcement actually features some spoilers, you can read the whole thing here if you are up-to-date on the game’s content.

Blood West is available on Microsoft Windows (through Steam’s Early Access)



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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