Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade officially named Assassin’s Creed Jade

Assassin's Creed Codename Jade

Publisher Level Infinite and developer Ubisoft announced Assassin’s Creed Jade is the official name for Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade.

Here’s a rundown on the previously announced game, plus a new gameplay trailer:

Explore the path of Xia in Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade, set in the third century BC, during the time of one of the first unified empires in China. An unprecedented era of trade and cultural exchange between East and West is just beginning, but with this comes new challenges and threats lurking in the shadows.

From the Great Wall outside of the empire’s borders to the imperial capital of Xianyang, journey through a world filled with ancient history and hidden dangers. Defend against the Xiongnu and work to dismantle conspiracies, taking on greater responsibilities, and facing new challenges.


  • Step into ancient China and journey through 2000 years of history.
  • Explore the path of Xia in the first unifed empire of China.
  • Protect your home from Xionanu raiders behind the Great Wall. Experience the blooming trade and cultural exchanges between East and West in the imperial city of Xianyang.

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