Arc System Works Looking to Make a New Fighting Series, Alongside BlazBlue and Guilty Gear

guilty gear xrd revelator 07-14-15-1

This week’s Famitsu (via Hachima Kikou) has revealed that Arc System Works are looking to expand their roster of games with a totally new fighting game series.

“We’ve been tossing ideas around, however nothing is concrete at the moment,” said Arc System Works president Minoru Kidooka, when asked if they were developing any new fighting games. He continued by letting out a small tease:

“We need to create a new fighting game that comes after Guilty Gear and BlazBlue,” said Kidooka. He also mentioned where they should go next as a company:

“This also includes smartphone games. However, this doesn’t mean that we’re going to focus on smartphone games as a company, but I want to find a way to approach this where both players and staff find it acceptable.”

We’ll keep you guys posted.

Editor’s note: Header image is Jack-O from Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator

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