Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is Coming in September

Amnesia A Machine For Pigs Art 1

The Amnesia games have always been set in extremely dark, creepy and/or terrifying worlds. A Machine For Pigs is set to up the ante with a fully realized world that is set around a machine – its sole purpose is the slaughtering of pigs.

The Amnesia games have typically had an extremely calculated focus on the storytelling, a return back to what made survival horror games into a staple genre. Typically you’ll be feeling completely screwed and terrified, squatting somewhere in the dark.

The reason why I’ve included the Halloween trailer is because Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs was originally set to release last fall, so why was it delayed? The developers just kept adding to the game and made it greater and more terrifying.

The original premise was a short, experimental entry into the Amnesia world but A Machine For Pigs quickly became an entirely new animal after developer The Chinese Room kept refining it and adding to it.

You can view the extremely creepy Halloween trailer below:

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs is set to release September 10th. You can preorder the game here, with a 5$ discount.

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