Reaper Miniatures Holding Fundraiser For Australian Bushfire Relief

Reaper Miniatures are currently running a fundraiser for the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Animals) in South Australia.

The company has a vast library of metal and plastic miniatures, aimed at RPG and wargamers, collectors, and painters. Now, Reaper Miniatures has three Australian-themed miniatures, and has decided to donate $7.50 from each purchase.

Their goal is to raise $25,000, and Reaper themselves have already pitched in around $10,000. At the time of writing, the total donations are sitting at $18,667.

The miniatures included in the fundraising effort are the Australian Wildlife Pack (consisting of a kangaroo and koala), Hope the Koala Druid, and Courage the Koala. Each of these metal miniatures sells for $9.99. You can check out some pictures of them below.

In case you missed it, Victoria Miniatures are also donating $50 to the South Australian RSPCA for each Kangaroo APC kit sold in the month of January.

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Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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