Twitter to Implement Stricter Policy Against NSFW Content in 2020

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Twitter has rolled out a newly updated sensitive media policy that focuses on the extreme bits of pornographic content posted to the social media network.

The new policy, which takes effect January 1st, 2020, will have the social network ban “violent sexual conduct” and “gratuitous gore content.” While the platform has been somewhat tolerant of porn content, the new policies have porn artists and stars alike concerned.

Twitter defines pornographic content as media that simply pornographic in nature or “intended to cause sexual arousal.” This includes “cartoons, hentai, or anime involving humans or depictions of animals with human-like features.”

The concern here is that “violent sexual conduct” is media that shows violent behavior or actions combined with sexual interactions, whether it’s “real or simulated.” This would affect the many hentai artists that make a living off depicting violent sexual content.

Coming from this, Twitter will be able to remove any content that “depicts violent sexual conduct or gratuitous gore anywhere” and can even permanently ban accounts that are “dedicated to posting this type of content.”

As with any of the policies Twitter and other social media networks implement, it remains unclear how strictly they will uphold this policy. Will pornstars be affected as well? Even if all the actors involved are consenting, they could be depicting aggressive or violent sexual content.

This could also affect fetish pornstars and models, who make a living off portraying dominatrix or submission style content.

What do you think of the new Twitter policies? Are you a regular user? Sound off in the comments below!

Editor’s Note: Featured image is from Japanese artist Souryu


Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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