Blizzard Warns Players to Switch WoW Classic Servers, Herod Will Be “Massively” Overpopulated

Blizzard Entertainment may be underestimating the demand for World of Warcraft Classic, as the game may not have enough servers for its launch in a week. The developer has published a new blog post urging players to switch servers ahead of release.

The game’s Herod (player-versus-player) server is apparently so popular they’re expecting login queues of more than 10,000 players. Players are being told to switch to the newly-opened Stalagg.

It’s worth mentioning these estimates are based on character name reservations, as the game’s servers won’t go live until next week.

“If all existing players on this server remain there, login queues in excess of 10,000 players are a certainty, and possibly much higher than that,” the update reads. “There are a lot of players currently on Herod and we want Stalagg to fill up before we open any new PvP realms. This is so that player population is spread as evenly as possible before launch, in order to provide the best play experience.”

The new servers can take “several times more players” than they could back during its original launch in 2006, however there are still way too many people looking to make a new home on Herod. Blizzard noted they could raise the cap of players, though, but it could make things unreliable.

“Raising realm caps would simply forestall the problem, letting more players in at launch but creating an unsustainable situation down the line,” the update said. The issue here is when the game has layering (newer tech that lets servers create multiple instances of themselves – an effort to manage larger populations) turned off, server stability will become unreliable.

World of Warcraft Classic is launching on August 27th, 2019. Read up on all the launch servers and how to register your name here.



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