New Sci-Fi MMORPG Trinium Wars Enters Early Access

Launching today on Steam’s Early Access program, Hanmaru Soft and InSel Games’ science fiction multiplayer RPG Trinium Wars is now available to play. Releasing alongside a 33% discount, the “standard” edition of the game is only $10.04, though a collector’s edition including several gameplay boosts can be bought for $23.44.

Trinium Wars is being developed by JWLee, who seems to have experience within the industry as the lead art director on Blizzard’s action RPG Diablo 3. While this writer always thought that title belonged to Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky, it may have some truth to it considering how impressive the game’s visuals are, even at this early stage.

There’s an in-depth interview with JWLee on its Steam page which explains his plans for the title. Trinium Wars seems to combine features from both Korean and Western MMOs, creating a multiplayer RPG that focuses on large-scale PvP battles, but also combining aspects of base building and resource-gathering.

According to Lee, Trinium Wars will go through testing via Early Access for approximately 4-6 months, unless community feedback requires them to delay it and incorporate fixes or features necessary for what they hope will be a smooth launch.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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