Sony Wants to Know What PS2 Games You Want on PS4

suikoden iii 04-15-15-1

Following the first batch of PlayStation 2 games that have been re-released on PlayStation 4, Sony has opened the floodgates to see what other games fans would like to see re-released on the current generation console.

Sony’s PlayStation Worldwide Studios America International Software Development & SpecOps head Dave Thach tweeted that fans need to use the Twitter hashtag #ps2ps4, so they can aggregate what games are being demanded most.

The latest PS2 Classic to be re-released on PlayStation 4 was PaRappa the Rapper 2, while The King of Fighters 2000 is en route sometime soon.

While Sony is not enabling PS2 backwards compatibility via owners of original PS2 games on dvd, the paid re-releases do include upscaled 1080p graphics, trophies, and more.

What games are you hoping get re-released and updated with better visuals/enhancements?

Editor’s Note: Pictured above is Suikoden III, a personal favorite and easily my top contender.


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