The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Receives Gorgeous Free Unreal Engine 4 Redux on Steam

The Astronauts have released a sizeable update to The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and its entirely free to fans who already own the game.

The game has been entirely rebuilt in Unreal Engine 4, with many issues like game-freezes, story-progression issues, intelligent auto-saving, and more being addressed.

The news comes via the game’s Steam page, which simply makes a note in saying fans who buy the game will get both the original, as well as the Redux version.

“The game will render internally at twice the current resolution and nicely scale down the image to display it at the current resolution,” The Astronauts co-founder Adrian Chmielarz said. “Such technique produces an image of higher quality than most anti-aliasing solutions. Or, as our graphics programmer insists, ‘As an alternative to anti-aliasing, such technique produces the extra pixels to help reduce jagged edges.'”

There are a number of updates listed over on The Astronauts’ blog, which you can find listed below:

  • Now the game simply saves the state of the whole world right after most player actions, so you can exit the game at any time and when you come back the world will be restored as expected.
  • You can run from one corner of Red Creek Valley to another nearly without a hitch. In the UE3 version, the streaming could freeze the game for a second or so, depending on the PC.
  • Some PC players complained about the need for backtracking at the end of the game. It’s not always the case, but it’s hard to explain why without spoiling the game. Let’s just say that we believe the problem was fully eliminated in the Redux version.
  • Some PC players found a section of the game too scary and/or too exhausting. We have tweaked a few things to make sure that it flows better – without compromising the original vision.

Do you own The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, if so, are you happy to see the game receive such an update?



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