Party Hard Game Sadly Has No Andrew W.K., Only Mass Murder

TinyBuild Games is getting the help of Pinokl Games to develop a fully-realized version of their mass murder simulator, Party Hard, to PC (via Steam), iOS, and Android.

Featured above, you can view a trailer of the original incarnation of the game, which the team at TinyBuild Games made in under 48 hours in the latest Global Game Jam. In the game, you play a disgruntled neighbor who finally loses it over a nearby house being host to an extremely loud party. Instead of calling the cops, you go in and try to murder everyone.

The goal of this game is to murder everyone without being caught, however, as this is still somewhat grounded in reality. It’s not quite clear how easily it is to have a murder drawn back to you, for now it seems like you simply just need to avoid being seen at the scene of the crime, mostly by heading back to the dance floor and mingling with the other party-goers.

The full version of Party Hard is reportedly coming with fully procedurally generated environments for you to hone your spiteful neighbor rage on. Further details will come as the full game is nearing completion, which is set to arrive some time later this year.

For now, you can view more information, screenshots, and more of the game over on its official website. You can also play the original game jam prototype right in your browser, on Game Jolt.

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