Playstation 4 Hardware Sales Top 18.5 Million Worldwide

playstation 4 hardware 01-07-15-1

Sony Computer Entertainment have officially announced that hardware sales for PlayStation 4 have surpassed 18.5 million worldwide.

We mentioned the milestone in our previous report regarding the Wii U moving over 8 million units worldwide. The Playstation 4 sold over 4.1 million consoles during the 2014 holiday season, which helped push it to new heights.

“Even in this New Year’s holiday shopping season, many of you I am very pleased that the guests support the PS4 to users of everyone,” said President and Group CEO Andrew House. “In addition to deliver a compelling title in the future, and to offer a more complete service , we will continue to provide new value-added to the PS4 as the best playground.”

Sony also confirmed that PlayStation Plus subscriptions are now roughly 10.9 million strong as of January 2nd.


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