Get a Look at the Next-Gen Rendering Engine Bravely Default dev Silicon Studio is Working On

Silicon Studio is an interesting development studio, as they work on wonderful games like 3D Dot Game Heroes and Bravely Default, but they also work on game engines, as well as middleware tools for graphics in other third party games.

Featured above, you’ll get a look at their new rendering engine, YEBIS 2, which can clearly bring out some absolutely staggering visuals. Their middleware tools have helped power games like Gunslinger Stratos, The Witch and the Hundred Knight, and even the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, which is most notably graphically superior to the former titles.

According to Silicon Studio, the engine is capable of acquiring “real time CG technology at the world’s highest level,” meaning sometime in the near future we may not have to see animators rendering out their high level CG films on graphics farms. Either way, the results are pretty mind blowing, and the future implications are very exciting as well.


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