Pokemon Sun and Moon Producer Denies New Pokemon Being Inspired by Donald Trump


The new demo for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon is out, and with it fans are going wild discovering new Pokemon – and datamining the rest that aren’t in the demo.

Two Pokemon in particular have gotten lots of fans speculating their inspiration: Yungoos and Gumshoos. The seemingly Mustela-like creatures bear a strong resemblance to a possible candidate for the next President of the United States: Donald Trump.

When asked if the Pokemon are really inspired by the orange-God emperor, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon producer Junichi Masuda gave an interesting response:

“It’s a very American-centric question I think,” said Masuda in an interview with Game Informer. “And actually a lot of people sent me comparison photos on Twitter pointing out the resemblance. But we had started the design of this Pokémon a long time back, and we didn’t have any intention to make it look like Donald Trump.”

It’s worth pointing out the game’s official description for the orange-tufted creatures says it’s known as a “big eater that is never satisfied” and one that has “a terrible temper when it’s hungry.” That certainly sounds like Trump!

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are launching for the Nintendo 3DS on November 18th in North America and November 23rd in Europe.

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