Street Fighter V Fans Make “Hot Ryu” Even Sexier

If the option to play as “Hot Ryu” still existing while silly censoring like R. Mika’s buttslap or Cammy’s visible gooch is something you question as well – it appears fans have been having a field day modding (and in some cases trying to break) the PC version of Street Fighter V.

Featured above, one such fan (who goes by the NeoGAF username Garrett Hawke) has recorded some footage of his handiwork: swapping out character models of Laura and R. Mika, both with Ryu (while also swapping out R. Mika’s partner Yoko Harmegeddon for Ken).

It’s worth mentioning this is just a character swap, and as such, their movesets/animations are all intact and stemming from the original character model/data. Coming from this, the results are quite silly looking.

However, this is indicative of how equally silly the argument for male sexualization in games is widespread and in some cases, praised – while female sexualization led to Capcom themselves literally censoring the game, because of outside feedback.

My take: It’s just strange to see people reveling in the blatant sexualization of Ryu (while it just looks silly in this case), while also condemning things like R. Mika’s buttslap. Some of the swaps look downright disturbing though, like Cammy being swapped for Birdie.

How do you feel about Street Fighter V, since it has launched? Sound off in the comments below!

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