Seven Dragon Saga Introduces a New Race: Dragonkin

While ex-SSI developers TSI games may have cancelled their Kickstarter, the game they were crowd funding, throwback CRPG Seven Dragon Saga, is still being worked on. As they flesh out the world and its history via their website, new entries have begun popping up. One of those, about a new race called the Draogonkin, appeared yesterday.

Fans of Dungeons & Dragons may remember the Draconian Race (Large, winged, bipedal Dragons), but looking at the picture posted by the developers, I’d say they look more like the horned variants of the Tanar’ri. Still, they do look suitably impressive.

The website runs down what they are:

    Dragonkin is a broad term that covers any living creature that has some proportion of dragon blood flowing in its veins. Dragons are highly inquisitive beings, driven by brilliant intellect and strong passions. They love to use their shapeshifting powers to mingle and breed with the humans, humanoids and beasts of the Firewind Coast. As a result, they have spawned many a unique and often bizarre breed of creature. Two such monstrous dragonkin are the Drakes and the Wyrms. Drakes are airborne whilst Wyrms are earthbound, yet their individual strengths and weaknesses can vary dramatically depending on the concentration of dragon blood in their veins.

No word on when their Kickstarter campaign will start anew, but any change in plans will be posted on the game’s website.



Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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