Yuji Naka is Working on an Original Action IP for Square Enix

Yuji Naka. former Sonic Team head and lead programmer of the original Sonic the Hedeghog games, is working on an original action game for Square Enix.

The veteran developer announced the news over on Twitter, alongside thanking his fans for wishing him a happy birthday – he turned 54 years old today.

“Thank you for your birthday message,” Naka said. “Today I’m 54 years old. How many games will I be able to make by the retirement age, including the original action game that I’m currently making at Square Enix? I’d like to work hard to develop a game that everyone around the world can enjoy.”

Naka was also the founder of Prope, a game development studio that made several games like Ivy the Kiwi?Fishing ResortDigimon AdventureRodea the Sky Soldier, and more.



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