Yor Forger figurine is scantily clad, also has nude version

Yor Forger

Spy x Family‘s deadly assassin Yor Forger can be coveted in physical form as the woman is becoming a figurine courtesy of Dodomo Studio.

The 1/6 scale item depicts Yor Forger in her casual attire, but without pants. Things can get even more lewd as the DX version of the figurine includes a nude iteration.

Screenshots of both the lewd normal and nude DX versions of the figure are available online.

Yor Forger can be pre-ordered from various online stores now (both versions). The figure costs $75 plus shipping. Q3 2024 is the scheduled release date for Yor.

This is Niche Merch. In this column, we regularly cover merch and toys from games, anime, geek culture, and more.



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