The World Trigger anime and manga franchise will be getting a 3D mobile game titled World Trigger: Smash Borders. The story is based in Mikado City, where a “gate” to a different world materialised, from which monsters called “Neighbors” began to appear. A defense agency was formed that uses the aliens’ technology against them, with the goal of fighting off the invaders.
In this “aim and hit smash action” game, players will be able to play through the original story with the main characters, executing missions in which they thwart Neighbor invasions. Players will aim and shoot at the Neighbors, which will send them flying away, and a mechanic will exist under which team members’ attacks, when linked, will deal significantly more damage.
Check out the first screenshots below.
World Trigger: Smash Borders will be available for Android and iOS mobile devices later this year in Japan, as a free-to-play title with in-app purchases.