World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Dev Diary Discusses Content, Beta Next Week, Expansion Will Launch Fall 2020 “Even if We End Up Shipping it from Our Homes”

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Blizzard Entertainment have released a dev-diary discussing the upcoming beta for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, along with committing to the game’s release date.

Executive producer John Hight opened the presentation by explaining how while the coronavirus pandemic and other world events had made development difficult, seeing players come together helped spur them on. “You have our commitment we will be releasing Shadowlands this fall, even if we end up shipping it from our homes.”

Next, Hight explained that World of Warcraft Classic will recreate the classic event Gates of Ahn’Qiraj. Starting July 28th, players will once again need to gather resources for the war effort, and take on raids to build the Scepter of Shifting Sands to open the gates.

When the gate is opened, the realm is then flooded with powerful monsters, such as General Rajaxx. Players may also take on time-limited quests. Success in both will earn players rare gear and loot.


Hight also explained what was coming in the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Collector’s Edition. For $119.99 USD, it includes an art book, mouse pad, four collector’s pins, and a digital soundtrack – all in a box with reflective elements.

It also includes an Epic Edition game code; which grants a Level 120 Character Boost, an Ensorcelled Everwyrm flying mount, an Anima Wyrmling pet, the Wraithchill cosmetic weapon effect, the Eternal Traveler’s Hearthstone, 30 days game time, and the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set quest (regular players can also play this by finding players who can access it).

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands


Continuing, Hight revealed World of Warcraft: Shadowlands was entering beta next week. Game director Ion Hazzikostas then went over the improvements since the alpha, and the content in the upcoming beta.

The beta is feature complete, and will increase the level cap to 60. Players will also be able to experience end-game content, such as joining a Covenant and max-level content. A new invite wave will come next week, and multiple times in the future.

Covenants are the “center-piece” of Shadowlands where players play through all four faction’s zones and borrow their powers; Kyrian, Venthyr, Necrolords, and Night Fae.


Players will also form a Soulbind, an ancient ritual linking two souls to share memories and powers. Players can Soulbind with one of several key members of a Covenant. This grants a new talent tree for players as they gain power in the Covenant, granting new active and passive abilities.

Some nodes on the tree are empty. This is where Conduits can be placed; similar to Relics being placed into Artifacts. Conduits can be gained as loot through Raids, Bosses, and PvP; granting bonuses designed for more specific builds. Soulbinds can be respec’ed and switched for a “nominal cost.”

To gain power in a Covenant, you gain Renown. Doing so grants further rewards at various milestones. These include the aforementioned Soulbinds, Followers, and cosmetics. Renown is earned on a weekly basis by gathering Anima, and rescuing tormented souls from the Maw.

There will also be “robust catch-up systems” for players who have switched Covenants, are using an alternate character, or are a newer player.


Each Covenant also has a Sanctum. Akin to Garrisons and Class Halls in prior expansions, the Sanctum is the base of operations for Sanctum players.

Players can restore functionality to their Sanctum, which affect’s that Covenant’s zone. The transportation network will let players teleport quickly to part of the zone. The Anima conductor will redirect the flow of Anima to different parts of the zone to open quests, treasures, and other content. This can ultimately keep all areas “active” with enough progression.

There will also be a Adventures, extending the Mission System for more offline progression as special quests are completed by assigned NPCs while the player does other things. This system is now deeper to feel less like a “coin-flip,” and closer to the core gameplay of World of Warcraft. 

Adventures will also be playable via the game’s companion app on mobile devices at the time of the expansion’s release.


The final Covenant Sanctum feature is unique to each Covenant. The Venthyr have the Ember Court, where players can undertake quests to organize and keep a gala running smoothly for loot.

The Kyrian have the Path of Ascension, letting you inhibit the body of one of your Soulbinds to undertake trials of combat with all their skills and abilities. It is partly inspired by the Shartuul’s Transporter event from Burning Crusade. 

Necrolords have the Abomination Factory, where players can create their own fleshwork creatures (such as Patchworks, Ghouls, and Geists) for souls in need of a body. These souls have their own personality and abilities, who then adventure with players and grant special perks.

The Night Fae Covenant have the Queen’s Conservatory- where the most powerful souls await to be reborn. Much like the humble garden in early World of Warcraft content, players must tend to these souls to help them “grow.”


Next, Hazzikostas discussed an upcoming max level Dungeon. The Theater of Pain takes place during a battle tournament between the champions of the houses of Maldraxxus. This non-linear dungeon tasks players with choosing a faction to fight first.

At max level, players will be able to return to the Maw- now backed by a Covenant and ready to take on The Jailer’s forces, learn what he is up to, and stop him. However, the land is difficult to navigate and survive, where making “too much ruckus” can draw the Jailer’s attention.

Players will surprisingly find an ally in this inhospitable place; the broker Ve’nari. She will offer information and ways to traverse and survive the Maw more effectively in exchange for quests and resources.


Hazzikostas discussed more of what was coming to the beta. This included Castle Natria raid testing, Shadowlands Mythic+ Keystone Dungeons, Legendary Runecrafting (creating Legendary-tier gear through gathering materials for a specific NPC), Covenant Campaigns, Focused PvP testing, progression and reward testing via character copies and end-to-end testing, “LOTS of polish, iteration, and tuning.”

The presentation concluded with Hazzikostas discussing how it was delayed due to the riots and protests in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd. He offered kind words of support on behalf of Blizzard Entertainment.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will launch Fall 2020, and is available for pre-order now. World of Warcraft is available now on Windows PC, and Mac.

Image: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands official website

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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