Where is Koji Igarashi Heading Now, After His Departure from Konami?

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Koji Igarashi, a longtime director and producer on the Castlevania series, recently confirmed that he was leaving Konami after working for them in excess of two decades. His plan? Starting his own company that develops the kind of games that his fanbase has been clamoring for him to make – deep, rewarding, “hardcore” experiences.

Unfortunately, that very type of ambition to create more hardcore experiences within Konami after the publisher handed off Castlevania to Spanish developers Mercury Steam was exactly the reason why he quit the company. Time and time again, he had his projects develop into a more deep and hardcore experience, only to have them cancelled, again and again.

Igarashi describes his style as making “core experiences,” a lesson he learned over the last several years leading up to his resignation from the company. His talents are clearly meant for developing the style of game he pioneered within the Castlevania franchise, the “metroidvania” type gameplay that captured so many fans’ hearts.

Ultimately, Igarashi wants to recreate those 2D exploration and action oriented games that are cemented in classic “core” gameplay, not the social games that Konami kept wanting him to make. When Igarashi announced his departure from Konami, he said that he wanted to “make the kind of games I really want to make — the same kind I think fans of my past games want as well.”

Lastly, in leaving the comfort zone that the Konami corporation game him, Igarashi is already looking into various avenues to get his future game funded. He is going to shop his concept around and see who likes it, and ultimately find who will join him on his new adventure.

Needless to say, everyone at Niche Gamer is one hundred percent behind you Igarashi, and we look forward to your new game.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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