Watch the Second OP for Hyakka Ryouran Elixir: Record of Torenia Revival

Kaga Create have published the second, alternative opening movie of Hyakka Ryouran Elixir: Record of Torenia Revival, their Playstation Vita port of the PC original. You can watch the video above.

The original visual novel for the PC had adult content. This Vita version of the game will remove the “objectionable” content, and include new content created for the port, including two new heroines and new opening and ending movies.

Hyakka Ryouran Elixir: Record of Torenia Revival has a release date of April 9 in Japan. Excluding tax, the download version of the game costs 6,000 yen, the standard physical edition 6,800 yen, and the Limited Edition 8,800.

Hyakka Ryouran Elixir Record of Torenia Revival vita 2015-02-06



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