Wasteland 3 Dev Diary #3 – Choices & Consequences

Deep Silver has released the latest dev diary for their upcoming title Wasteland 3, this time covering story and dialogue mechanics of choice and consequence.

The first dev diary focused on customization and core gameplay mechanics. The second discussed the world, characters, and the literary themes that players will encounter throughout the game’s plot.

You can find Dev Diary #3 – Choices & Consequences below.

You can find the full rundown (via Steam) below.

In Wasteland 3 you take command of a squad of Desert Rangers, lawmen and women in a post-nuclear world, trying to rebuild society from the ashes. More than a century after the bombs fell, you’re fighting a losing battle to keep your beloved Arizona alive. Then the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Colorado radios, promising aid if you’ll do a job he can only entrust to an outsider—rescue his land from the ambitions of his three bloodthirsty children.

You’re dispatched on a desperate quest from the scorching deserts to the snowy mountains to start from scratch, building a new base, finding a snow-worthy vehicle, training new recruits, and fighting your way through hostile frozen wastes. All the while, you’ll have to decide who to trust in this land torn apart by corruption, intrigue, warring factions, crazed cultists, cutthroat gangs, and bitter sibling rivalries. Build a reputation for yourself by making decisions that will profoundly impact Colorado, its inhabitants and the story you experience. Will you be Colorado’s savior or its worst nightmare?

Wasteland 3 is a squad-based RPG from inXile entertainment, featuring challenging tactical turn-based combat and a deep, reactive story full of twists, turns, and brutal ethical decisions that will keep you hooked whether you’re a Wasteland veteran or new to the series. Create a squad of up to six Rangers and customize them with perks and abilities geared to your playstyle. You even get your own battle truck, which you can upgrade into a hardened war beast, bristling with weapons, to help mow down your enemies.

In case you missed it, we reported on Wasteland 3 being banned, resubmitted, and approved for sale in Australia.

Wasteland 3 launches August 28th on Windows PC (via GOG, and Steam), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. In case you missed it, you can find our hands-on preview here.

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A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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