Vampire Survivors gets Switch port with 4-player co-op

Vampire Survivors

Indie developer poncle has announced Vampire Survivors is getting a Switch port alongside a new update: four player co-op.

Vampire Survivors is coming to Nintendo Switch on August 17th, via the eShop. The new couch co-op 4 player update will be added to all platforms on the same day.

Here’s a brief blurb on the hit indie game, plus a new trailer:

Choose from several characters, each with their own starting weapon and stats, and begin mowing down hordes of enemies across a variety of Stages. Once players collect enough gems in-level, they can choose from a random selection of weapons, upgrades or buffs, to attempt to survive 30 minutes. After finishing a run, players can choose to spend Gold on more characters or permanent stats to increase their chance against surviving once more.

Vampire Survivors has been available for Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox consoles, both Xbox and PC Game Pass, and smartphones.



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