Valve responds to Team Fortress 2 #SaveTF2 fan protest, promises improvements

Team Fortress 2

Valve has responded to a Team Fortress 2 fan protest over the ongoing issues with the classic shooter, promising changes are coming.

Team Fortress 2 community, we hear you! We love this game and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things,” the developer said in a tweet.

It’s worth noting this is the first tweet from the Team Fortress 2 account since 2020, and isn’t an indication on what kind of improvements will be coming to the game.

Fans have been clamoring for Valve to address the rampant botting problem in the game, as well as the consistent spam that games are overrun with. Both combined with the bots actively scamming real players out of games essentially make the game unplayable.

Despite releasing way back in 2007, Team Fortress 2 remains wildly popular and at the time of writing has over 80,000 players online. How many of those players are bots, however?

It’s worth noting today’s peaceful #SaveTF2 protest on social media and streaming platforms finally got a response out of Valve – previously they held an email campaign to no avail.

We’ll keep you guys posted.



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