Valve Add Rick May Tribute to Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 Rick May

The most recent update to Team Fortress 2 reveals that Valve has added a tribute to the recently departed Rick May, the voice actor behind the Soldier.

On April 8th, Rick May (also the voice of Peppy Hare and Andross in Star Fox 64 and more), passed away at 80 due to the coronavirus. Now, the change log for the May 1st update to Team Fortress 2 includes “Added a tribute to Rick May, voice of the Soldier.” According to the official Team Fortress 2 wiki, this comes in two parts.

First, the Saluting the Fallen track has been added to the game. This is a rendition of Tapsa horn melody used for memorials and funerals of those that served in the United States Armed Forces. The track plays on the game’s main menu from May 1st to 31st, along with an image of the soldier.

Second, a statue of the Soldier has been added to various maps. Standing upon a marble pedestal, the plaque reads “Rick May 1940 – 2020 ‘That was a hell of a campaign son!’ “. Random voice lines by the Soldier can also be heard when near it.

You can find a selection of images of the statue (via Steam [1, 2, 3]) below.

We have also heard uncorroberated claims that the tribute will be yearly, but there does not appear to be any official word from Valve.

Team Fortress 2 is available on Windows PC, Linux, and Mac (all via Steam).

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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