V Rising – How to Make Cotton Yarn

V Rising How to Get Cotton Yarn

Surprisingly, Cotton can be one of the most difficult materials to acquire in V Rising‘s early-mid game.

Cotton can be found in small farms around the Dunley Farmlands area, which is filled mostly by workers and scholars.

It’s obvious that things wouldn’t be too easy, though, as the area is absolutely packed with garlic. The garlic debuff increases your damage taken, and also lowers your damage dealt.

The debuff lasts for a long time, and can increase up to 100 stacks, so it’s advised that players rely on stealth when going around looking for Cotton, as the garlic debuff is hard to counteract early in the game.

The next step towards crafting the Cotton Yarn is to kill the level 40 V Blood target Beatrice, the Tailor, as she unlocks the loom, which is needed to refine Cotton into Cotton Yarn.

Quite a bit of Cotton is needed to get started on the Hollowfang set, so you’ll have to make quite a few trips to get enough Cotton Yarn.

V Rising is available on Microsoft Windows (through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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