Umbra Fully Funded, Announces Stretch Goals

Cryengine-powered action RPG Umbra finally met its funding goal, which means that now, we get to see the kind of stretch goals that SolarFall Games has laid out for eager hack-n-slash fans. Currently standing at $242,000, it’s almost 20K over funding and already hit its first stretch goal. That first one added gamepad support, and the second one, which unlocks at $245K, adds a helmet that will be available to Kickstarter backers only.

A full run down can be seen here. One thing to note is that the playable female character, which seems to be the hot topic in gaming nowadays, is the final stretch goal at $360K. Maybe I’m bad for doing so, but I chuckled when I saw that. No word on whether it was an intentional joke or not.

    We kick things off with a special thank you gift to all backers who are pledging for at least a digital copy of Umbra. If we reach $230,000, all backers at Warrior or higher will get a Kickstarter-exclusive green necklace that will grant them an extra boost to the gold and experience they earn as they play… wait, we already reached $230,000 didn’t we? Then now you’re all getting a free KS-exclusive item!
    Next up we have a highly requested stretch goal: GamePad support! You’re currently making your way to this second stretch goal, and right now you’re at around 33%, which considering the huge push we had over the weekend, is actually closer that you think!
    When launched, Umbra will be available in English and French. But knowing that we have fans from all over the world, we’ve also added a stretch goal to include localization to Spanish, German and Russian, so that more of you can experience Umbra in a new way. So if you want to play Umbra in English, French, Spanish, German and Russian, you know what to do! Of course, multiplayer is one of the first big steps for Umbra as it adds a new mode that can be played either online or over a LAN connection. And we can’t implement multiplayer into Umbra without your support, so please don’t forget to share the link to the campaign so that you can bring even more backers here who want to see Umbra grow!
    And right after the first multiplayer mode we have one of the other highly requested stretch goals… a main female hero for Umbra! This won’t be a re-skin of the male hero. This female hero will be a proper female protagonist with her foot set firmly in the lore for Umbra, and we definitely want to see her implemented into the game.

You can also view the game on Steam, where it has already been greenlit by the community.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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