Twitter is testing out an edit button, rumored to be “immutable” and include edit history

Twitter is testing out an edit button

Hot on the heels of our billionaire spaceman son Elon Musk trying to buy the company, we’ve learned Twitter is testing out an edit button, a long-demanded feature of the platform.

While details are scant, news that Twitter is testing out an edit button came right after the company joked on April Fool’s Day that they were making a real edit button for the platform.

“Now that everyone is asking… yes, we’ve been working on an edit feature since last year! No, we didn’t get the idea from a poll we’re kicking off testing within Twitter Blue Labs in the coming months to learn what works, what doesn’t, and what’s possible,” the company said in a tweet.

VP of consumer product at Twitter Jay Sullivan noted they’re looking at how to implement “the most requested Twitter feature” while also avoiding “misuse” that can “alter the record of the public conversation.”

Tech blogger Jane Wong shared a rumor that the new Edit button will make the tweets “immutable” or unchanged from their original Tweet ID, creating a new tweet with the amended content alongside a list of old Tweets prior to the edit.

If this is Twitter’s real approach to an edit button, it would remove the concern of users editing old tweets to spoof things or trick users, but it remains unclear if the Tweet edit history will be publicly available like Facebook.

Twitter is testing out an edit button

Another tech blogger, Alessandro Paluzzi, posted an image showing where Twitter is testing out an edit button, purportedly under a Tweet’s three button pop up menu. Paluzzi has been spot on with debunking prior rumors, as well as leaking other features.

As with any of these new features on social media, expect it to roll out in phases to select users at first, just like the fancy downvote button – which I still have yet to see on my end.

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