Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy will premiere on July 7th as part of the Summer 2021 anime season.
The series follows Misumi Makoto, a shrewd young man from Japan who gets sent to another world. However the chief goddess of this world is a goddess of beauty and resents Makoto’s plain appearance, condemning him to the harshest region of her world.
Tsukuyomi, the moon goddess of Earth objects to the other goddess’s decision and secretly helps Makoto and provides him with blessings. All but abandoned on a different world, Makoto seeks a way to live as he wishes and get back at the goddess that spurned him.
最新PV公開 #ツキミチ の見どころ満載の第2弾PVを公開
異世界で起こる事件に真が立ち向かう姿が描かれています✨#syudou が歌うオープニング主題歌「ギャンブル」は初公開 https://t.co/c6oCgApl6U
2021年7月7日より、TOKYO MX、MBS、BS日テレほかにて放送開始 pic.twitter.com/Opz9TYlnSb— 『 月が導く異世界道中 』TVアニメ公式 (@tsukimichi_PR) June 4, 2021