Tripwire Interactive President Causes Outcry for Texas Anti-Abortion Heartbeat Bill Support

Tripwire Interactive

Tripwire Interactive President John Gibson has caused a media frenzy; stating his support for the Texas anti-abortion heartbeat bill.

The “heartbeat bill” was passed on May 19th, and came into effect September 1st. The bill banned abortions when a heart-beat can be detected (typically after six weeks of pregnancy), and sue those performing are facilitating such procedures for $10,000 USD.

Critics have decried it as encouraging “bounty hunters” to seek out victims of rape (or perpetrators themselves), or fears this could result in more pro-life laws via the Supreme Court.

One person to speak out in support of the bill was Gibson. As “so many” of his peers in the industry were open about being against the bill, Gibson felt he needed to openly support it.

As expected for such a hot-button issue, some have taken to Gibson’s reply and denounced him; stating refusal to buy Tripwire games, and even other developers such as Cliff Bleszinski showing their disdain.


Journalists such as Imran Khan had openly offered Tripwire employees a way to speak anonymously (along with his own disgust of Killing Floor 2‘s music). Bloomberg and former Kotaku journalist Jason Schreier also highlighted the Tweet, and the action taken by Shipwright Studios.

The developer, who had worked with Tripwire for over three years, announced that they could no longer work with them. They had previously aided on development of Chivalry 2, and Maneater.

“While your politics are your own, the moment you make them a matter of public discourse you entangle all of those working for and with you. We have worked closely alongside the talented and passionate developers at Tripwire and your partners for the last 3+ years.

We know it is difficult for employees to speak up or act out in these scenarios, and they may not feel comfortable to speak their minds.

It is regrettable, but we feel it would be doing ourselves, your employees, your partners, and the industry as a whole a disservice to allow this pattern to continue without comment.

We started Shipwright with the idea that it was finally time to put our money where our mouth is. We cannot in good conscience continue to work with Tripwire under the current leadership structure. We will begin the cancellation of our existing contracts effective immediately.”


We will keep you informed as we learn more.

Image: Tripwire Interactive official website, Twitter



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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