Transformers: Devastation Pre-Orders Include Free Skins, Weapons

transformers devastation 09-02-15-1

Activision has confirmed the pre-order bonuses for Transformers: Devastation.

All digital and retail pre-orders for the Platinum Games-developed action game will come with three character skins, and weapons.

You can find the list of pre-order goodies below:

Character Skins

  • Nemesis Prime
  • Red Alert
  • Goldfire


  • The Dark Star Saber, a fearsome sword which radiates waves of dark energy with every swing.
  • The Photon Disruptor cannon for huge damage at short range.
  • The twin Golden Hunter blaster pistols, which cause enemies to drop credits when attacked.

The publisher shared a behind-the-scenes video with Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime himself. It’s nice to see an iconic voice actor such as himself waxing over with nostalgia.

Finally, a new character trailer was also revealed by Activision.

Transformers: Devastation will launch across Playstation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on October 6th.

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