Tokyo Dark is a 2D puzzle adventure game with non-linear puzzles, and “a deep and branching narrative exploring the darker underbelly of a near-future Tokyo”, claims its independent developers, Cherrymochi. Players’ decisions in the game will influence their social stats, which will in turn affect Ito’s interactions with others.
The game’s story involves protagonist Detective Ito losing her partner. This routine lost persons case soon leads her to examine her past, and may lead to her losing her sanity.
Interestingly, over on the game’s website, the developers write that, “Tokyo Dark may be one of the only games where firing your gun can lead to a disciplinary hearing, counselling, and trauma therapy.” Cherrymochi says that Tokyo Dark‘s environments are based on real-world Tokyo, Japan.
The game will be releasing in 2016, and Cherrymochi would like to bring it to Steam. You can jump over to Tokyo Dark‘s page on Steam Greenlight, if you’re curious and/or interested.