Tim Sweeney accuses big tech of faking MAGA support

Tim Sweeney

Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney has come out swinging against big tech companies for, in his opinion, sucking up to US President-Elect Donald Trump.

First posted on social media platform X, Tim Sweeney said, “After years of pretending to be Democrats, Big Tech leaders are now pretending to be Republicans, in hopes of currying favor with the new administration.”

He went on to say, “Beware of the scummy monopoly campaign to vilify competition law as they rip off consumers and crush competitors.”

Sweeney would go to elaborate in several responses and threads throughout the day talking up how big tech companies apparently play both sides, and previously demonizing Trump and his base.

In recent months, nearly all of the big tech figures have lined up to donate money to Trump’s inauguration party. This includes Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who donated one million to Trump after previously having banned him years ago from Facebook.

Zuckerberg’s about-face has also included publicly slamming Democrats and accusing them of forcing him to censor conservative voices. Besides Zuckerberg, Apple and Google have also come out in favor of MAGA, with both groups donating millions to the Trump campaign.

Both Google and Apple are coincidentally attempting to block Sweeney from selling games on iPhones and Android devices, and Sweeney believes their re-branding as MAGA is a cynical attempt to get the incoming administration on their side.

Also of note with corporations seemingly dropping support for liberal politics is Walt Disney’s decisions to remove any and all “woke” material from shows and films currently in production.

This has included removing trans characters from at least two spin-off shows, removing environmentalist themes from a different project, and removing key bits of dialogue from their upcoming live-action Snow White film.

It would appear that at the top, Disney doesn’t care at all about politics (though many writer employees were sincere and unhappy with the new developments) and will bend the knee to whichever demographic it feels is more powerful at the time.

As big tech follows Disney’s example, Tim Sweeney has continued to criticize what he sees as the cynical opportunism behind their new politics.

What do you think of Tim Sweeney’s comments? Do you agree with him that companies now lining up to support Trump are merely pretending to support Trump in order to advance their own policies? Or do you believe Mark Zuckerberg and the others had a true change of heart? Let us know in the comments below!



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