This Live Action Trailer for Watch Dogs Showcases the Dangerous Possibilities of a Fully Connected Future

Imagine a world where literally everything within the city you live in is connected – your phone, your car, your apartment, and even things you take for granted like street lamps, traffic lights – suddenly your own personal security and privacy is seemingly under attack. The world realized in Watch Dogs is just that sort of society, a fully connected and fully exploitable environment, that is if you have the right tools.

In the game you play as Aiden Pearce, a self proclaimed vigilante who wields a cell phone that is essentially the keys to the city of Chicago. He’s also a talented grey hacker, although his new toy gives him a pretty unfair advantage. Featured above, you’ll see a pretty hilarious live action trailer where Ubisoft tricked a bunch of unsuspecting individuals into thinking their phone could now hack into cars, ATMs, traffic lights, and so on.

Watch Dogs is coming on May 27th across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. A Wii U version is coming later this year.

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